Musica Universalis

In 600 BC Pythagoras claimed to have discovered Musica Universalis - loosely translated as Music of the Spheres. He believed that the movement of the planets and stars through space created celestial music as they travelled. Furthermore, he thought he was the only person who could hear it. Much later, in the C15, the concept became popular with philosophers, astronomers and astrologers of the Renaissance and was further developed. It sustained right through to the C20 when it was finally dismissed as impossible. Space was declared a vacuum and therefore silent. However NASA recently accessed radio waves transmitted in space by planets and comets and have translated them into sound. It seems that the Music of the Spheres may still be alive and well.

These three films are my interpretation.

Pythagorae Somnium (Pythagoras' dream) imagines a celestial dream where Pythagoras hears the music and sees a beautiful vision of space.
My thanks to Carollyn Eden for permission to use and edit the original score from her 'Music of the Spheres' broadcast on Radio 3, 1 - 5 October 2018.

Musica Universalis or the irresistibly titled Music of the Spheres Now that NASA is able to simulate the sounds of planets and comets, perhaps the music of the spheres could be true after all - I'd like to think so! This film imagines how space could look and sound.

My gratitude to Max Richter for his gorgeous music 'Sleep' which I have adapted into my soundtrack, along with NASA recordings

What Might Have Been. This film describes my creative journey through exploration to conclusion as I explored and developed the theme of Musica Universalis. It moves through the various phases of confusion and experimentation until it gradually reaches a calm and measured point of resolution.